Regis University: An Anchor Institution?

kerry has a blog

Upon spending time learning about the push for Regis University to become an Anchor Institution within the broader West Denver area, I decided to observe the campus in an attempt to answer the initial questions brought about by this organizational community-formed motivation.

Observably, Regis University is a relatively small campus, somewhat out-of-place in the neighborhood in which it’s external is defined by. The boundaries, according to the fences that blockade the campus from this neighborhood (and as later noted, more promptly defined in map services and the legal campus perimeter) are Lowell Blvd. , Regis Blvd., and Federal Blvd. On the inside of Campus, observed first on a sunny day and again after a snowfall (typical, ambiguous weather patterns for this area) the architecture of these buildings differ as I changed positions throughout the campus. Most of the University’s official buildings (dormitories, instructor’s buildings, education halls, library) are made from…

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